I had a misaligned pelvis from a sports injury, which caused lower back pain and prevented me from sleeping properly. I had lots of physio without success. Newland Chiropractic performed a through assessment and diagnosis, followed by immediate treatment. All on my first visit!

The immediate treatment relieved the back pain enough to sleep well and the further treatments have led to a full recovery and a return to physical sports, I would not hesitate to recommend Newland Chiropractic Clinic.

M Molyneux, Area Sales Manager

Getting in touch with Darren following a personal recommendation from Chris Owen was THE best connection I could have made. Having had foot pain for just over four years and had various other treatments, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Darren talked me through what could be achieved and what treatment would involve, yes it would be painful initially but all for improvement of movement. Going from having to hop down the stairs most mornings to being able to run 5km regularly has transformed my day to day life. Other aches and pains have disappeared and I feel so much better overall. I would definitely recommend Darren to all my friends and family and business associates who may be unfortunate to suffer any similar pain in the future.

S Picksley – Florist

Just after New Year 2009, my back problem appeared. I gave it a good time to see if it would improve. Eventually I contacted Newland Chiropractic Clinic and started treatment which improved things almost straight away. Before I wasn’t able to sit and relax at home or work without any pain. After several sessions the problem has almost been solved, the [hip and back] pain has almost disappeared and I am a lot more comfortable.


J Coupland, Steel Fabricator

I started having terrible pains at the back of my neck, shoulders and back 14 months ago after pushing something heavy. I thought it would go away by itself but it grew worse. It was as though I was carrying a heavy bag full of sand on my neck. I got a fright when I realised I could not write unless I held my head with one hand and then my writing went all over the place. I went to the optician who said there was nothing wrong with my eyes! My head felt so heavy with I was walking that I had to hold it with one hand and I bumped into things. It hurt me to climb stairs and even to hold my handbag, my arms and hands felt much too heavy and it hurt to bring them forwards, so eating at table was most painful in spite of resting my back on a thick cushion, the plate was too far away and I had to bring it to my mouth and spilled it. I dreaded meal times, I could not drink from a glass as I could not bring my arm forward and left my head at the same time. I could not hold a book to read from it so I used a music stand. The most painful times were when I was to be still. Sitting upright or standing or sitting but resting my back against a wooden bench and this still hurts. I am alright sitting as long as I can rest my back and head.I could always work and do gardening it was being still that hurt.

It was a few months before I decided to go to the doctor and I eventually had about 8 sessions of physiotherapy which were beginning to help but then I was discharged and told they could not do anymore for me, I was to continue doing the exercise they had given me.

A friend advised me to go to a chiropractor he knew well and who had treated him. I did and almost from the 1st session I felt an improvement. The sessions are very enjoyable and I look forward to them, the chiropractor explains what she does and why it hurts etc. She is extremely pleasant and cheerful. I started by going weekly, then 2 weeks and now once a month and I do feel much better. I can do so many things I could not do before. I can walk up stairs without pain, I can walk without holding my head, I can write as long as my left arm is resting on a table, I can eat and drink almost normally. I still need to face people when talking to them, keeping my head turned to one side for a while still hurts.

There is still room for improvement but even if this does not happen, I think I can cope with a session with the chiropractor from time to time.

Retired teacher

Before I came here I could not bend, put socks on, open my legs to get on a horse, now I can do all of the above. I am so grateful for I was in constant pain all the time. Now when I get pain I just ring up and get sorted. My Back and Groin pain is 97% gone.

Mrs McGuirk, Shop Assistant

I have a disabled child, lifting him had resulted in neck and shoulder problems. I now feel I have a quality of life again. Many thanks.

C Pearse

I was hooked on chiropractic treatment after I went to a doctor with tennis elbow. I was prescribed drugs and told it would be approximately 18 months until the problem was solved, as a golf professional this was unacceptable. I visited a chiropractor who worked on the vertebrae between my shoulders. The pain in my elbow went and within 2 days I was able to play golf again. Clearly drugs were not the answer – chiropractic was.

J Powell, Retired Professional Golfer

I knew the benefits because my husband suffered sciatica which caused enormous problems before he had treatment, but until I was treated I did not fully realise just what it could do.

Mrs A Adams, Accounts Clerk

I am training for a charity cycle ride in Jordan and have been plagued by a recurrent hip injury from a few years ago. Dr Barnes-Heath has been a miracle worker and has enabled me to get fit and ready for the rigours of Jordan! Without his treatment I am certain I would have been forced to pull out but now I am ready to go. The treatment I received was always friendly and professional and Dr Barnes-Heath has given me a valuable insight into the other aspects of my lifestyle and medical problems related to my hip injury. Thank you.

R Dray, CEO – Social Enterprise

Overall the treatment has eased my pain in both knee areas after knee replacements and also has mentally helped me to cope with what is going to be an ongoing problem.

D Parsons, Retired

The treatment was very good. I could not lift or do a lot of things with my arm, but now I am able to do most things again. The night times were the worst. I just could not get comfortable and was not able to sleep which was awful. I was so tired and nasty, because it hurt so much. Darren was lovely, answered all my questions even if he thought some were daft. Very quiet, but understanding and kind as were all the staff.

L Chamberlain, Housewife

I have total confidence in Lauren…In addition she has great customer service skills.

PS I like the new décor.

I have total confidence in Lauren

I had been diagnosed with arthritis of the hip and a frozen shoulder. When I started treatment [at Newland] last November, my shoulder was so painful I couldn’t swim and had broken nights sleep with pain. One treatment and within two weeks I could swim again and take part in one hour aqua fit class.

Before treatment I only walked about 50 metres before I had to stop because of the hip pain. Four months later I can walk for hours now and have not had a repeat of the pain which prevented me even putting my foot down at its worst. Also my doctor had prescribed codeine and paracetamol, 4 times a day and now I take no pain killers at all. I can’t believe how fortunate I am.

V De Vries, Retired

I had a broken ankle in 1970 which left me with limited movement and a huge amount of pain. I used anti inflammatory gel nearly every day and could only walk a very short distance. I was issued with orthotics in the form of insoles and now after a short time I have been able to walk more, although short distances still, I can do it more often. I also only use the gel about once every 3 – 4 weeks when I have walked too much. The insoles have made a massive difference to my walking and I even have more movement in my ankle. Thank you so much for what you have done for me.

A Carter, Retired through disability

Darren gave me plenty of time to explain my condition and listened thoroughly to me asking questions along the way. As you can appreciate being pregnant with twins took its toll on my body. The treatment provided gave me the mobility to continue working in my catering job and helped lessen any discomfort of the pain I had.

C Harrison, Mum

Nicole was very friendly and super efficient, I can already move a bit better.

Thank you!

Super efficient

Having suffered since my mid 20’s with severe lower back pain and had many scans and X-rays to try and identify the cause with no success, and visited many chiropractors, physiotherapists and acupuncturists with no real long term relief I visited Darren at his Newland Clinic. I feel that Darren is the first person to treat the cause of my problem rather than the symptoms and after four visits to his clinic I am now on a daily pain scale of 2 rather on a bad day, 9. I would like to say a big thank you to Darren and I would have no hesitation in using his services or recommending him in the future.

Chris Brownett – Waterside Photography

I visited Darren at Newland Chiropractic Clinic when I was 18 weeks pregnant with excruciating pains in my lower back, after visiting my GP who explained that pains in the lower back are common in pregnancy and that is was likely to worsen the further along I get. Darren was recommended to me by a friend who had visited him once a month during her pregnancy and found Chiropractic care invaluable throughout the pregnancy as well as following it. It is clear that Darren’s Chiropractic expertise is extensive, particularly with regard to pregnancy and how the female body adjusts to it. This meant that from the first visit I fully trusted him to carry out the adjustments needed to bring my body back into alignment without harming the baby. Darren explained that my pelvis had titled in order to cope with the pregnancy, which was causing the pains, and that he would aim to realign it again before the baby’s due date so that the birth canal could be opened up, allowing for the delivery to be eased. In terms of pain, on a scale of 1-10 I would say that when I first visited Darren the pain I felt in my lower back was at a 10 and was making walking very difficult. After a handful of visits to the clinic, it is now more like a 3 and some days a 2. I would be happy to recommend Newland Chiropractic Clinic to anyone I know who has issues with their joints and particularly women who struggle with lower back pain during pregnancy and have been told by their doctors that this is expected and common during pregnancy. I have continued to visit Darren to ensure that the pain does not return and will continue to visit regularly after pregnancy.

Rebekah Speirs – Inkhaus

My feet are now much more supple than before and a periodic ‘refresher treatment’ keeps my toes from becoming painful. If I am experiencing any arthritic pain in the joints on my visits, the laser treatment is fantastic – I can thoroughly recommend it.

D Brown, Bowls Club Manager

Had two chiropractic sessions with Darren, basically to help me with skydiving. This dude is amazing, body feels brand new and aligned. Highly recommend.


Drew Potts

The Good Thinking Society have complained about the following testimonial. We think it is an accurate account of the patient’s experience and it is inappropriate to change any text of a testimonial. For clarity we would like to point out Darren is a chiropractor, not a Dr, these were the patient’s words and we think everywhere else on this website it clearly states Darren is a chiropractor. Also, the improvements the patient reported are musculo-skeletal in nature, freer movement, less pain, not curing their underlying neurological condition as the Good Thinking Society were concerned about.

“My condition is Polio and Post Polio Syndrome. I have been seeing Dr. Darren Barnes-Heath since 2004. My conditions are long term and most of my reported symptoms and problems are not curable. Some symptoms like pain in a particular area have been treated and the problem not returned.
The treatment that I receive for the other symptoms that are causing me most problem at each particular visit have always given me increased range of movement and a reduction in pain. I would not be able to manage my condition and also be a carer to my disabled husband without the benefits to my health that the treatment provides. The most impressive aspect of each 20 minute appointment is how quickly problems raised are assessed, explained and treated.”

Hilary Ann Boone, Medically Retired

I first went to Newland Chiropractic Clinic after a car accident I had, which aggravated a back injury I had sustained falling down the stairs in my home. The care I had received to this point had made little if any difference to the pain I was experiencing and I was finding it very hard to lift my son, by the end of the day it was even difficult to walk around. Looking back I wonder how I managed to put up with it as long as I did. After the first treatment I was amazed that there was visible difference to my posture, it was a few days before I could feel a difference in the pain. I am delighted at the difference that Chiropractic care made to my day to day life.

K Holgate, Mother/Antenatal teacher trainee

The gait-scan is a fantastic tool to alleviate joint pain in the ankles, knees and back – I would recommend it to everyone.

J Powell, Retired Professional Golfer

I was pleased at how quickly I was able to be seen for my first assessment and how thorough this was in diagnosing the problem. I also felt that I was made as comfortable as possible during my treatment which must have been difficult given that I was 6-9 months pregnant and I also felt that Darren had a full understanding of how best to treat me given this fact. I was diagnosed with possible SPD (symphysis Pubis Dysfunction) when I was 6 months pregnant by a physio. They recommended exercises to help alleviate this problem however this did not lessen any of the pain I was suffering and therefore I was recommended to see a Chiropractic by a Yoga teacher. Following a thorough assessment by Darren Barnes-Health and an initial treatment I already began to feel some relief. I continued to have treatment apx every 3 weeks up until my son was born and I don’t know how I would have coped without it. You cannot expect to not have any discomfort whilst pregnant but having the chiropractic treatment certainly helped to alleviate about 80% of it. I returned for further treatment after about 4 weeks and have had little re-occurrence of this problem. I will certainly be making sure I start treatment as soon as possible if I fall pregnant again.

R Hulsmeire, HR Manager

“Michael had had a series of injuries to his knees following football games. As this was unusual for a boy of his age, we decided to have the matter investigated to see if there was an underlying cause. Following examination at the Newland Chiropractic Clinic it was found that the fault was with Michael’s feet. A Gait Scan was carried out and orthotics made for Michael. These have corrected the problem and he is able to play sport without damaging his knees.

Parents of Michael, aged 11

Alex [my teenage son] had extreme pain, he was not able to run or play football and cricket properly at all. He had treatment and a Gait Scan and orthotics were ordered and fitted. We saw a vast difference in his feet and his ability to run and the pain just disappeared and progress has been continual.

J M Kirk

I first came to Newland practice about 10 year ago and received treatment for chronic back/neck problems. This proved to be beneficial to my health and well-being. Since then I have had several MOT checks to keep things in order.

C Trevor, Teaching Assistant

I have been visiting Darren for many years now and dread to think what sort of condition i would be in without his continued treatment, help and guidance. I always leave his practice feeling much better than when i arrive and continue to do so for a long time afterwards.

I was seriously injured in a car accident over 16 years ago now, which has left me with permanent damage to my right foot that will never
improve, (a shattered calcaneum) as well as various other injuries. It is only Darren that has kept me as mobile as i am and if it wasn’t for him i would probably have had to have a foot fusion years ago, as this is the only option that has been offered to me by the orthopaedic surgeons. I now have quite severe osteoarthritis, but with Darren’s treatments, manage to live a reasonably normal life.

Z Colwill, Landlord

Service was very professional, in a very comfortable environment. Treatment eliminated pain at the time, but may need further treatment when back in Lincoln.

J Waszczyszyn, Dancer

“I had blocked sinuses and bad balance. I have always been respectfully and kindly treated by all the staff. My balance has improved so much. I used to get a build up of hard skin under my left foot, now the hard skin is much less and on both feet rather than painfully under the left foot. Even after a cold when my sinuses were very bad the [cranial] treatment quickly cleared my head.

Mrs Bateson, China Restorer

Emprocom Ltd are your local health and safety specialists providing comprehensive safety management across the business sector. I started treatment with Darren in November because I was struggling to walk without extreme pain in my foot. I had not run in month’s which is one of my passions out of work. I honestly thought I’d never be able to walk or run again without being in pain but Darren has worked miracles and freed off areas and bones in my foot and now I have no pain when I walk or run. I will be seeing Darren for regular check-ups on an ongoing basis and make sure I don’t get this problem again. I would like to say a big thank you to Darren and I have no hesitation in recommending Darren to family, friends, colleagues and business associates in the future.

Chris Owen – Director, Emprocom

I first started treatment with Darren in 1996. At that time I had lots of very painful joints and on some days had very little mobility. This was causing me great problems at work in my job as a teacher. I had to give up playing the piano, taking PE and couldn’t go on school trips because I couldn’t walk that far and was in constant pain. I was very concerned about what the future held for me and whether or not I would be able to continue in my job.

My worries for the future were allayed by Darren who explained what was wrong and how with treatment mobility would be restored. I felt the benefit after only a few treatments. Colleagues at work remarked on my improved mobility and obvious lack of pain because I didn’t look grey. I loved playing the piano and being able to do my job properly once again. When they saw what it had done for me some have also become Darren’s patients. With Darren’s excellent treatment I have been able to carry on in teaching until I retired last year. Without Darren’s treatment, advice and friendship I don’t think I would have been able to continue teaching.

J Smith, Retired Teacher

The treatment I have received at Newland Chiropractic has been superb. It has restored my balance and mobility following a major operation (after which it deteriorated significantly). Thank you for a truly excellent service.

R Ward, Chartered Surveyor

I’d had a Stroke and completely lost use of left arm and left leg [This had partially returned before treatment here commenced]. I feel Darren and the exercises has made a real difference to my life and mobility. I walk with a very slight limp now and I am very happy with the results.

A Hemmings, Retired

I recently visited Darren at his clinic for a short appointment to have a trapped nerve released and now feel so much better and can go back to the gym to carry on my training.

A Batham – Consultant